Working at Jodeco Glass


Clear business with a smile!

That is not only our payoff, but something we truly believe in. Working at Jodeco Glass is usually a lot of fun, and we can already guess what you are thinking… 'Mostly?' Yes, because just like in any other company, sometimes you have to work really hard. And because of our open way of working, honest colleagues can sometimes be just a little too direct.

But we do this because we want to be there for our customers 100%. From the moment an order is recorded to the moment the order leaves the warehouse, everyone here knows what we do it for: our customers! After all, they pay for our bread and butter.

Are there any vacancies at the moment? They are listed below. If there are no vacancies, but you think you are that one sales topper, marketer, or warehouse hero or heroine that we really cannot miss? Then send an email to . Tell us in your email why you can take us to the next level.

We look forward to hearing your compelling story!


  • There are currently no open positions.